Who We Are
Thunderbird Horse Center Ltd. is a family owned and operated corporation. Since its beginning in 1977, our program has been constantly evolving, with an effort to keep up with the ever-advancing equine industry. Thunderbird Horse Center offers breeding, training and boarding, along with educational opportunities.
We take great pride in our offspring from a long-standing breeding program of top quality arena performance horses. As you cruise through our site, you will recognize the great foundation of our breeding program. Our horses for sale are listed here on the site. If you are interested in any of our broodmares or stallions, please contact us.
Thunderbird is a multifaceted and multi-disciplinary facility. Everything we do is centered around the horse, appreciating what wonderful and amazing creatures they are. The single most important aspect of Thunderbird Horse Center is horsemanship. We define horsemanship as people communicating effectively with horses. Horsemanship is the most important factor for any horse to achieve success. All of our work is focused around this basic principle.

About Neil
Horses are Neil’s passion and he has dedicated his life to understanding the horse and its behaviors. Over the last 45 years, he has trained thousands of horses for himself and the public. Neil has gathered his wealth of knowledge from years of work with horses and extensive research through books, DVDs and attending clinics with the masters.
As an accomplished trainer and rider, Neil has participated in and earned money in NCHA, NRHA, Canadian Team Penning Assoc., AQHA Versatility, team roping, Crocus Cowhorse Association and Manitoba, Alberta and North Dakota 50/50 Futurities.

About Kathy
Kathy has been a part of the Thunderbird team since 2007. Some of her time is spent in the office compiling client records, as well as AQHA records and submissions. If you call to book a lay-over, it is likely that you will work with her to arrange your stay. She also organizes shows and clinics and social events and gatherings. These gatherings are an opportunity for socializing between the many equine enthusiasts that are connected with Thunderbird Horse Center.
Kathy enjoys yard work in the summer. If she isn’t tending her flowers, you may find her with a paint brush or video camera in her hands. She enjoys attending a variety of different equine events, time with the grandchildren, as well as sneaking in some archery.

About Sharra
Sharra is an accomplished rider and trainer. She has successfully competed in a variety of disciplines including barrel racing, team sorting and cowhorse shows. Sharra is committed to ongoing learning and she continues to expand her knowledge and develop her skills. She is dedicated to the horse industry and takes pride in raising horses, training horses and competing.
Sharra has participated in the Manitoba Barrel Racing Association, Manitoba Rodeo Cowboys Association, Crocus Cowhorse Association, National Cutting Horse Association, National Reining Horse Association, National High School Rodeo Association and the American Quarter Horse Association. Her accomplishments include 2012 and 2013 MBRA 1D Runner Up, 2012 and 2015 MBRA 1D Manitoba Bred 1D saddle winner, 2015 Barrels, Horns and Hocks Champion, 2015 MRCA finals qualifier and MRCA Cowgirl of the Year, AQHA Ranch Horse Versatility Champion.